Help and Support
If you need help or support in using Maqetta, here are some ways to look for solutions to your problem:
- User docs - The Maqetta application ships with an initial set of user documentation.
- Maqetta YouTube channel - The Maqetta team has posted some introductory videos on YouTube.
- How-to articles - The Maqetta team has posted some how-to articles, mostly on advanced topics.
- maqetta-users group archives - Other users might have had the same problem.
- Issue Tracker - You might have encountered a known bug with the software.
To ask for help from others:
- post a message on the maqetta-users group - You can send a message to the maqetta-users forum at Google Groups. Be sure to provide detailed information about the problem you are having and/or the task you are trying to complete. Other users and Maqetta open source project team will see your post and you will probably get a response from one of them. To improve your chances of getting a successful response, provide exact steps that caused a problem, what type of computer you have (Mac, PC, …) and which browser (and version) you are using (e.g., Firefox4, Chrome11).
If you notice a security issue with the site, please send an email that reports the security problem to: